Billing residents for HOA dues & fees
Tracking down any late or delinquent payments
Send an email of the violation
Leave a written notice at the property
Engage and work with a debt collector as necessary
Standard accounting practices
Bill pay
Comply with Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) requirements and the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act
Notify all vendors of change of address
Single point contact for all inquiries and correspondence by mail
Maintenance of HOA property
Engage 3rd parties for repair and lawn & shrubbery maintenance
Create and distribute reports to all homeowners
Meeting minutes
Annual notice of HOA dues
Other notices as directed by the HOA board
Ensure CC&R compliance and notify homeowners of violations
Collection of fines for violation
Facilitate HOA meetings
Document and distribute meeting minutes
Member notification of upcoming meetings
Arrange meeting space
Records maintenance
Provide copies of meeting minutes and other documents as requested.
Scan documents and securely destroy paper copies
Scanning & shredding may be provided by a 3rd party service
Update legal documents for renewal or amendment as required
Seek and select alternative banking services
Minimize business account bank fees.
Preparation and submission of State and Federal taxes
Work with Uncompahgre Valley Water Users and notify homeowners when irrigation water will be turned on and off each season
Work with Darrell and learn what and how to engage and drain the irrigation system and all other irrigation maintenance
Web maintenance & updates
Develop record retention procedures to comply with state requirements and upload records
Develop and implement online HOA member ‘dues’ payment system
Develop and maintain community bulletin board
Develop and maintain public facing page